University of Southern Maine

ECO 370 - Spring 2006
Prof. Bill Phillips

Term Project
Created by: John Bell

Physical Infrastucture
Policital Infrastructure
- Legal Infrastructure -
Infrastructure Costs
Last Update:  5/9/2006

The Infrastructure of US-Canada Trade

The Legal Infrastructure

Even with formal trade agreements, trade disputes still happen between US and Canada.  Many significant litigations have been pursued against parties in both the US and Canada.  Special clauses within NAFTA allow for resolution of situations that arise from the general purpose and intent of the agreement.  Special courts exist in both counties to deal specifically with disagreements over trade.

...an incomplete listing of resources and information...

The NAFTA Secretariat, comprised of a Canadian Section, a Mexican Section and a United States Section, is responsible for the administration of the dispute settlement provisions of the NAFTA
NAFTA Investor-State Arbitrations from the U.S. Department of State
NAFTALaw.org/NAFTAClaims.com provides information about NAFTA dispute settlements, copies of recent NAFTA legal documents and contacts for someone wanting to bring or defend a NAFTA related investor-state claim.
United States - Canada Action Plan Regarding Areas Of Agricultural Trade
National Law Center for Inter-American Free Trade®: Treaties, Free Trade Agreements & International Agreements
Canada-U.S. Lumber Trade Disputes
NAFTA & Environmental Laws:Ethyl Corp. v. Government of Canada by Michelle Sforza and Mark Vallianatos. Chemical Firm Uses Trade Pact to Contest Environmental Law April, 1997 presented by the Global Policy Forum.